Journey to China

Thursday, February 08, 2007

8 February -- Kunming -- And Then the Fun Began...

Today hasn't been the best day. Poor Suzanne has been sick all day with what we suspect is a case of Traveler's Sickness (we're calling it Kunming's Revenge). Melissa is her perky self, and we're glad to see that she had a case of the thrush that's clearing up nicely. Our facilitators were great and rushed over to the hotel when they heard Suzanne was sick. They brought some "guaranteed" Chinese medicine (the jury's still out on it) and offered to take Suzanne to see a doctor if she wanted. So far we're relying on lots of water and sleep. We do have some antibiotics just in case, but we'd rather not resort to them.

So today was Daddy Day with Melissa. After making sure Suzanne had improved from "gawd awful" to "sick as a dog," Steve took Melissa on a stroller expedition in the neighborhood around the hotel.

The printer at the police station (where you get the Chinese passports) was on the fritz, so we still don't have Melissa's passport. We've been assured that we can get it tomorrow and still make it to Guangzhou tomorrow afternoon. We're keeping our fingers crossed that all that will happen and that Suzanne will be mobile enough to make the trip.

We're enjoying Melissa so much and she keeps getting more active and communicative every day (we've learned that the legs waving in the air means "Look, I'm making Mommy and Daddy a present!). We do miss home, and can't wait to see everyone stateside soon!


  • At 11:38 AM, Blogger yam said…

    Get well soon, Suzanne! We got the photos from your friend and Melissa looks wonderful!

  • At 4:19 AM, Blogger Rick and Sherry said…

    hang in there suzanne, you guys are doing great. Melissa looks SO happy!

  • At 5:12 AM, Blogger Diva said…

    Hope you feel better soon Suzanne! It's so great to see you both have such a great sense of humor about all the new baby things. Welcome to parenthood!


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