Melissa Kathleen Shu-Ping Herin
Melissa Kathleen Shu-Ping Herin
Born May 16, 2006 (now 6 1/2 months old)
Currently residing in the Children's Welfare Institute of Kunming
Kunming, Yunnan Province
LID 9/5/05
Date of Referral 11/30/06
The report we received says that she was found on May 19 and brought to the local police station. After the police determined that she was indeed an abandoned child, she was brought to the orphanage in Kunming, where she was named Guan Shu Ping. We're trying to get an accurate translation of her name. She's reported to be a good sleeper, for which we are grateful, and of course those of you who know us are laughing as you're reading this! At three months she weighed 6kg and was 62 cm long, and her size and development appear to be right on schedule. She is said to be an active and outgoing child, and she likes music and colorful toys that make sounds. She likes to be held and is very happy to play with others. We hope she will like dogs and cats!
Melissa, we can't wait to bring you home!!!!!